5 Ways to Care for Oneself & the Planet

“We are a part of Nature, not apart from Nature”

Have you ever considered that humans are one piece of Nature’s puzzle?

 From a macro lens (solar system) to a micro one (your microbiome) you can observe how everything on this planet and beyond is interconnected. 

This lightbulb fully clicked ON in my freshman year of college when I learned that soil has a microbial community and our human body also has a microbiome. The parallels between plants and humans fascinate me, but more to the point of us all being interconnected was the fact that we depend on these microbial connections to survive!

In celebration of Earth Day this upcoming Friday (April 22nd) I will share some ways that you can help yourself & the planet simultaneously through the food you eat and more!

Since we are all interconnected… the health of humanity parallels the health of the plant.

**I don’t think it’s a coincidence that chronic diseases are at an all-time high

when you realize the destruction we have done to the planet's ecosystems**

At first glance, this list can seem like it’s adding another thing to the to-do list, however, I invite you to remain open and curious. This is your reminder to “start small rather than not at all”. 

Caring for Oneself & the Planet:

  1. Bring Awareness to Food Miles: Consider how far away the food you are buying is grown, harvested, or killed. The further away means greater transportation services are required to get it into your local store and the food can have lower nutritional value after weeks of travel.

    • GLOBAL —> LOCAL, SEASONAL ~ Farmers Markets, CSA boxes, Google what's seasonal in your area and then purchase those from the store

  2. Chemicals/Toxins: Consider the nutritional quality of your food in terms of what chemical residues may be on your produce, what hormones were injected into animals, and what chemical preservatives and gums are hiding in your packaged foods? These chemicals not only harm your body (specifically your microbiome which I just shared is essential for a healthy life), but also these chemicals impact the health of plants and animals when they run-off into waterways and soil. 

    • Chemicals —> Thoroughly Clean Produce, Cook With Whole-Foods (foods that you can see aka not packaged), Organic/Sustainable (check this list for foods to always aim for the Organic option)

  3. Plastic Free & Bulk: I think we all are aware that plastic doesn’t degrade for many many generations (PSA recycling operations don’t recycle most of what they receive). Plastic containers can also release chemicals into your food/drinks so reducing your plastic usage is ideal!

    • Plastics, Packages, Trash —>  Bring your own Take-Out container to restaurants (hint: leave one in your car), BPA-free Reusable Water Bottle, Glass Tupperwares, Reusable Grocery Bags (also you don't need plastic bags for each individual produce item, if you really do there's reusable ones you can purchase), Eating Less Processed Food (aka less packaging), Research your local Bulk Store to fill up on dry goods (nuts, granola, beans, rice, flour, soap, oils)

    • For any avid Amazon customers did you know there's an option to consolidate your purchases all into one box!? Look out for it at checkout and plan ahead your purchases so they can arrive in less packaging :)

  4. Grow a plant. This can be a houseplant, a tree, or a garden. It doesn't matter what type of plant, what matters is the connection you develop through caregiving and observing the plant’s growth. There’s lots of research showing the benefits being/seeing nature has on our mental health. 

  5. Mindfulness. Cultivating present moment non-judgemental awareness can change your life. Mindfulness can open you up to seeing the interconnections between all things in your life, which may help you problem solve, experience greater compassion towards difficult people, and create space in daily life for awe and gratitude!

    • Mindfulness can take so many forms… caring for a plant, eating without distractions, washing the dishes… it's all about being fully present to the experience you are having right here right now. 

This list may look like a lot to tackle so I invite you to choose one category that excites you. 

Which switch interested you?

What lifestyle change could you commit to at least once / a week? 

Start small rather than not at all ;)

Email me back which commitment you would like to try or learn more about!

With Compassion,



2nd Spiritual Law of Success: “Law of Giving & Receiving”


Your Holiday Social Calendar is Going Against Nature’s Intention This Season